
Who am I ….

So far, I’m a 40 something woman making my way through life which seems to be constantly under re-construction.  I spent the first 40 years constructing my ‘life’ and through a series of losses now realise I need to spend the rest of my allotted time renovating and removing much of what I’ve built.

I’ve been a florist’s assistant, a Checkout chick, an ice-cream server, a cheat, a Girl Guide, a Scout, an Anglican, a victim, a laboratory technician, a Baptist, a smart ass and addict.

I’ve been a Chaplain, a Student, a Pentecostal, a Manager, a tourist, a Counsellor, a teacher and tutor, a confidante, an anarchist, a Valedictorian, a parent figure, a survivor, a loner and a friend.

I’ve been a patient, an advisor, a cleaner, a youth worker, a carer, a lover, a coach, a cook, a driver, a rescuer and leaning post.

I’m gay, a scientist, an artist, a strategist, a writer, a thinker, a pastor, a consultant.  I am all of these things together and none of them apart.

I like mythology, shiny shoes, coffee, sillyness, potatoes, cricket matches, gentleness, spring days, laughing, brass bands, good friends and bush walking.  I like photography, going out for breakfast, sitting by water, and eating anything made with custard. I like noticing beauty in unexpected places and the sacred amongst the mundane.

I ache for the unfairness of life, the unsurpassed beauty of the natural world and those who have known neither.

I want to be kinder, gentler, richer in heart and spirit, more joyful, gracious and less fearful in life.

I’m beginning.

Isn’t this intro a bit revealing?  a bit vulnerable? a bit open?
No, not really.  Forty odd years of life is summed up in a short paragraph above. That’s the point I’m making with this intro – I can’t be contained by a label, there is so much more to me (and you!) than that. So this is really only an abbreviated version of my life experience.  I haven’t revealed that much at all !!!


50 responses

7 01 2012
Gilly Goldsworthy

You have a lovely blog and I like your headline! Thanks for visiting me!

7 01 2012

Thanks Gilly!

8 01 2012
Jan Timmons

A fascinating and open self-appraisal. I like the dichotomy between seemingly paired ‘labels’ in each paragraph or section. A woman and virtual friend who writes with honesty and hope. I can identify with that hope.

8 01 2012

Thank you Jan. It was the only way I could describe a bit about myself. There is no single label that I wear, they are all me, all part of the person I am today. I guess that speaks a lot about my ambivalence in life. I can’t sum myself up into a neat ‘elevator pitch’ or ‘brand’ (but if you can think of one, let me know!)

8 01 2012

I admire your lack of fixed adjectives (i.e., natural-redhead, survivor). Many of your jobs sound as though you were searching just as much or more as I. I do think turning 40 causes some of us to reassess our lives. I quit drinking (since moderation isn’t in my genes, apparently), went on a ten-day hike in a wilderness area, learned to rock climb, and then took a new job in a new state and met my future mate.

What about you? Any demarcations or major behavioral changes, or mostly new self awareness?
(If you think this more appropriate to an email exchange, I’m game.)

8 01 2012

From age 14 I could not at all imagine my life past 40. As 40 approached I wanted to create a new life, a more simple, centred and reflective space. My 41st year brought many unanticipated changes. A debilitating, painful and chronic illness emerged after a bout of the Swine Flu, when my immune system kicked into overdrive and never turned off. Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromylagia broke my fierce independence. Humiliation was an early companion as I needed daily help with childhood tasks like doing up my buttons, shoes and cutting up food. Spending time in pain with no certainty of an end causes radical self assessment, soul searching, re-prioritising goals and shatters long held beliefs about life. I’m still changing, processing, searching and seeking. I think I’m wired that way 😉

11 01 2012

I’d have to say your “About’ covers the waterfront Louise. I hope the Small Stones Challenge truly allows you to stay present and enjoy each day as it unfolds.

Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I truly appreciate it.


11 01 2012

Haha – yes it is quite a list! I’m enjoying the Challenge and being more alive to my world. Thanks Margie.

16 01 2012

Your small stones are wonderful; I’ve been reading my way backwards.
Thank you for commenting on my blog so I could find yours 🙂
I love what you write on the sidebar “Every breath we take is a gift” – so true!
And I love the idea of having a special place to retreat to. We definitely need that sometimes, even if it’s just a symbolic place. I’ve signed up to follow your blog by e-mail, and look forward to your future posts.

16 01 2012

Thanks Inger-Marie, I’m glad you visited and thank you for your kind comments. Enjoy your day!

4 03 2012
Gilly Gee

I’m posting this here because I can’t look at your post about Beauty again, just seeing the arrow back to it has brought tears. It was a lovely but unbearably sad piece that brought back memories of losing my wonderful golden get-it-yourself Jassy, another very special dog. Thank you Louise.

4 03 2012

Aww Gilly, so sorry to hear that. Our furry friends provide us with such pure love and good times don’t they? They also leave a terrible hole though, one that very few can understand. I’m sorry you’ve lost such a special friend but hope it brought back some good memories too. x x

5 03 2012
sea fringed edge

Hi Louise. Glad you found my blog for I see here we have some things in common, like a blog post a day. Be seeing you then!

5 03 2012

Yes, I also write Original Beauty at wordpress – the Spiral link! 🙂

8 03 2012
red dirt girl

What a lovely introduction, Louise. I am particularly struck by your willingness to be open and vulnerable in this sort of forum. I still tend to maintain a bit of anonymity on my various blogs, though in truth, my long-term blogging friends know way too much about me (in a good way 🙂


8 03 2012

I’d rather people hate me for who I am than have them like me for who I’m not ~ Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

12 03 2012

I’ve been hidden for a long time but it’s time for me to be less so. I am integrating all these parts of me into the fullness of who I am. It’s funny really because the ‘list’ and introduction above only just begins to scratch the surface. We’re complex creatures and always growing. I hope the list grows along with me too. 🙂

9 03 2012
red dirt girl

I love the sentiment of the Cobain quote, but I can’t help but note the irony of his words. Having lived 35 of my 48 years with an undiagnosed mental illness, I’m acutely aware of the many, like me, who have spent years self-medicating with drugs and alcohol. I wonder if Kurt really knew who he was day to day as he rode that rollercoaster ride from hell … xxx

12 03 2012

From the scant information I have about him, I expect he knew the exquisite highs and lows of life and humankind, including his own shadow side, the shallowness of celebrity and prison that fame and riches bring. Whether he knew himself, I don’t know, but he was obviously a tortured soul. He wrote and kept many journals, they make a fascinating read.

16 03 2012

I like you and the knowledge you have of yourself. ANd with all of that, you are absolutely sure to love yourself. Right! 🙂

16 03 2012

Psssst: Do not hide!

18 03 2012

Louise … thank you for visiting my blog and giving me the chance to discover yours. I’m really looking forward to reading more.

22 03 2012
Gilly Gee

Dear Louise I just wanted to tell you that your Miksang post really has inspired me and I have created a whole new blog just for Miksang! It’s not intended to be a big deal, and won’t have many posts, if people find it that’s fine but I’m not actively seeking followers.
Thank you 🙂

22 03 2012

Wow, that’s great!! I’ll stop by and check it out. Fantastic Gilly. 🙂

3 04 2012

Life…it shoves us around and makes us learn and be all sorts of things. It adds up to who we are today. I like your honesty and therefore integrity too; it shows in some of your pix that I’ve seen so far. Keep up the good work! 😀

7 04 2012

Many thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me a ‘Like’. You have a very thought-provoking blog.

7 04 2012

This is honest and touching to read.

22 04 2012

What a nice intro. 🙂

25 04 2012
Imelda Evans

I love this intro! I don’t have the same list, but I, too, hate being locked down to a label. Thanks for visiting my blog today. I look forward to coming back to yours!

28 04 2012
Connie Howard

The personality that comes through above resonates with me; I think I’ll enjoying following and getting to know you!

29 04 2012

Hi Connie – thanks for stopping by. I’ve got an eclectic blog full of ‘stuff’ that interests me in the moment. Have a rummage around!

28 04 2012
Words We Women Write

Louise, you have revealed that you are a Wise Woman. THX for the words and pics.

29 04 2012

Hi Toni, thanks for the visit!

13 05 2012

I love who you are and how you describe where you come from.

13 05 2012

Thanks Susan! That’s lovely.

13 05 2012

very cool…it appears as though our ‘selves’ intersect on many levels 🙂 thank you for the follow, i’m liking your compiled wisdom from these 4 decades of yours…peace, monkiss

20 05 2012
Stripper X

Thank you, thank you, thank you…for coming across my blog and now I have the pleasure of learning from yours. I am working on embracing the beauty around me and appreciating the ups and downs that life has afforded me. I look forward to reading more of about your inspirations, your achievements and your life 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing with us…

22 05 2012

Welcome! Life is a crazy ride isn’t it? Take care and drop by again sometime. 🙂

23 05 2012
Stripper X

Thanks! And I sure will…

31 05 2012
Showered By The Generosity Of Others This Week | A Serene Scribe

[…] The Sacred Cave:  https://thesacredcave.wordpress.com/about/ Wonderful photography and posts about thoughts and musings.  (A Versatile Blogger […]

31 05 2012

Hi, I’ve nominated you for The Versatile Blogger award-enjoy! http://serenescribe.wordpress.com/2012/05/30/showered-by-the-generosity-of-others-this-week/

17 07 2012

Thanks for finding my blog….. it led me here.
Spending a few years ignoring arthritis, I salute your attitude to pain. It can be debilitating, isolating, unexplainable and incredibly annoying; some say it makes you stronger but I wonder if they are just words spoken by folks who haven’t experienced the nightmare.
Your ‘ABOUT’ is a refreshing, honest look at your life and I thank you for sharing it.
I look forward to dropping by again
Thank you again for visiting, it is much appreciated

18 07 2012

Thanks for stopping by Dee, see you again sometime 🙂

5 08 2012

I admire your bravery and honesty. You have such a positive outlook and a wonderful way of expressing your thoughts

5 08 2012

Thanks for finding me Gypsy! And… I’m Yorkshire born and bred too. 🙂

5 08 2012

Ee by gum, I’m chuffed to have found you!!!!

19 08 2012
Lynne Ayers

Hi Louise – I lay down the gauntlet and challenge you to give us your interpretations of the colours red, blue, white, green and yellow for Capture the Colour – for more information see http://www.travelsupermarket.com/c/holidays/capture-the-colour/

24 08 2012
Jo Fredric

Thanks for visiting and liking our blog posts. I’m really enjoying reading yours as well! And I love all the different ways you have described yourself in this introduction!!

24 08 2012

Life’s like that eh? Safe travels Jo 🙂

24 08 2012
Jo Fredric

Thanks Louise 🙂

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